Our family and team take great delight in finding ways to provide special touches that make our guests feel welcome and pampered. A little surprise here and there, a beautiful way to decorate your apartment, or a thoughtful item that meets a unique need of a guest. We put ourselves in your shoes to find small ways and surprises to show you how special you are to us, and how important your experience in Tuscany is to both you and us.

Among the many beautiful touches all of your senses will be Locherber Body Products and Room Fragrances for your use during your stay. Isabella’s family produces this top-end line of products made in Switzerland. You’ll love the way they make your skin, face, and hair feel. After a few days in our wonderful climate, with fresh healthy food and these products, our guests often report a new “Tuscan glow” when looking in the mirror!

We pride ourselves on paying attention to each and every detail. Be it the choice of produce, cookies, tortes or chocolates that are waiting for you as part of the Dolce Vita Package, only the very best are chosen for you.

If while you’re here, on arrival or throughout your stay, you wish to surprise your partner or your friends with a special gift or a unique experience, we’ll be happy to help you.

“The experience is truly 5-star and if you choose the “Dolce Vita Stay” you will be overwhelmed by the baskets of fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, cheeses, nuts, sweets and delicious breakfasts that show up on your doorstep! Every little detail from laundered clothes arriving in baskets wrapped in ribbons and flowers to Carlo’s famous breakfast creations like bacon-wrapped figs—honestly—it is an experience that most people only dream of having. We spent two weeks in this beautiful property and it simply wasn’t long enough.”
Former Guest


Phone: +39 3387409245